LIBRIS - ترجمة إلى إنجليزي
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LIBRIS - ترجمة إلى إنجليزي

SELIBR; SELIBR (identifier)

LIBRIS (disambiguation); Libris (disambiguation)
(n.) = Sistema de Información Bibliotecario, cooperativa de catalogación sueca
Ex: LIBRIS (Library Information System) is a major library automation project in Sweden.
ex libris         
Ex libris; Exlibris; Ex-libris; Ex Libris (disambiguation)
ex libris (etiqueta ilustrada en la primera página de un libro con el nombre de su dueño)
n. ex libris


ex libris
¦ adverb used as an inscription on a bookplate to show the name of the book's owner.
L., lit. 'out of the books or library (of someone)'.



LIBRIS (Library Information System) is a Swedish national union catalogue maintained by the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm. It is possible to freely search about 6.5 million titles nationwide.

In addition to bibliographic records, one for each book or publication, LIBRIS also contains an authority file of people. For each person there is a record connecting name, birth and occupation with a unique identifier.

The MARC Code for the Swedish Union Catalog is SE-LIBR, normalized: selibr.

The development of LIBRIS can be traced to the mid-1960s. While rationalization of libraries had been an issue for two decades after World War II, it was in 1965 that a government committee published a report on the use of computers in research libraries. The government budget of 1965 created a research library council (Forskningsbiblioteksrådet, FBR). A preliminary design document, Biblioteksadministrativt Information System (BAIS) was published in May 1970, and the name LIBRIS, short for Library Information System, was used for a technical subcommittee that started on 1 July 1970. The newsletter LIBRIS-meddelanden (ISSN 0348-1891) has been published since 1972 and is online since 1997.

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. in "Ex Libris."
Wine Lover's Daughter _ Anne Fadiman & Lynn Stegner _ Talks at Google
2. It's an essay from "Ex Libris" entitled "Marrying Libraries."
Wine Lover's Daughter _ Anne Fadiman & Lynn Stegner _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Carrying coal to Newcastle: Some ex libris collectors are collecting whatever they find, and some choose ex libris on specific topics.
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3. Ex libris on music particularly attract music lovers.
4. Most of the ex libris were designed for Fazýl Say.
5. After seeing Germans discovering ex libris from Turkish artists‘ designs, Pektaţ and I were a little proud that we had «carried coal to Newcastle.» Booklovers and their relatives can get ex libris designed in their names for reasonable prices.